
Roadworks to improve Division Lane junction under way

We will be starting work to upgrade the roads around the £5 Million Common Edge Community Sports Village development on Monday 6 February 2023.

The facilities will include new changing rooms and spectator pavilion, a floodlit 3G pitch, floodlit rugby pitch, training area and 194 space car parking.

The works will include widening the new Division Lane West junction to safely allow the local community to access the new sporting facilities and car park, which will ease traffic away from the current entrance at Jepson Way.

As a result of planning conditions imposed on the Community Sports Village, the new junction needs to be completed before the changing rooms and sports pitches can open fully. As a result, the construction of the new junction cannot wait another year until the new link road is fully operational, as the changing rooms would have to stay empty and unused.

We will also be making improvements to the Division Lane East junction including widening the entrance, reducing the gradient of the road and improving the street lighting. These changes will allow better access for road users and pedestrians when using this junction.

To ensure the work is completed as quickly as possible, working hours will be between 8am and 7pm Monday to Friday and 8am and 3pm Saturday and is expected to be completed in May 2023.

All roads will remain open however, to help the flow of traffic in the area and keep it safe for all 3-way temporary traffic lights will be in place on Common Edge Road, Queensway and Division Lane East.

The Borough Boundary bus stops on Common Edge Road outside South Shore Cricket Club and Lytham St.Annes Garden Centre will also be temporarily suspended throughout the works – with the nearest bus stop outside The Shovels pub.

Efforts have been made to reduce the impact where possible but the junction is already over capacity and needs improving regardless.

Thank you for your co-operation and your patience whilst we continue to Make Blackpool Better. To keep up to date on the upcoming highways improvements in the area, please sign up to our free EZ newsletter.