

The first major development led by Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone was the construction of a 40,000sq ft facility for local manufacturing company Multi-Ply Components Ltd. 

Opened in 2021, the £8m Nexus building comprises of an industrial unit, ancillary office and storage provision, parking, electricity substation, refuse area, vehicle access and landscaping works. 

The building allowed Multi-Ply to relocate its 70 staff from Inskip to Blackpool, and created space for the company to grow, with another 100 hires expected in the next five years. The deal also provides the company with potential for further expansion if needed. 

The building was designed by architectural, planning and building surveying practice Cassidy + Ashton and delivered by Eric Wright Construction, on behalf of Blackpool Council with Lancashire Enterprise Partnership’s Growth Deal funding. 

“We are absolutely thrilled to receive the keys to our new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility,” said Multi-ply managing director Darren Dowdall.