Drainage works are needed around the northern end of the Common Edge Road service road.
These works are vital to improving Common Edge Road, by making sure surface water is properly drained.
This means the northern junction to Common Edge Road will be closed between Monday 28 October and Friday 1 November, with access to properties and the garden centre via the southern junction opposite the cricket club.
Unfortunately, the working area here is very tight, meaning these works will take place close to the front drives of 300 to 308 Common Edge Road. For houses 300 to 318 Common Edge Road, this will affect parking on the road in front of their house at periods during this week.
The workers will be on site throughout the week, and will keep you updated as and when your access is impacted.
There is unrestricted parking on the service road between houses and the garden centre. This area will be coned off by the contractor during the week for people living in the houses 300-318 Common Edge Road to park at times when the area outside their homes is impacted.
Anybody who wishes to park at Common Edge Sports Village during the week is welcome to do so.
Pedestrian access to your homes will be kept open at all times.
We apologise for the disruption that these works may cause. However, the only alternative to working in this area would be to work in the main Common Edge Road, which we estimate would result in around seven weeks of four-way temporary traffic lights.
Should you have any questions, please do contact the Cox’s site office by calling 07561 104 802 or emailing ez@blackpool.gov.uk