A key element to the Phase 1 development at the EZ is to ensure that the surrounding highways are tough enough to cope with the increase in traffic that new development will bring to the area.
A new eastern access road will be built to improve access to and from the existing EZ site, linking Amy Johnson Way with Common Edge Road, improving the traffic flow around the existing business park and alleviating congestion on neighbouring roads.
Enable currently land-locked parcels of land to be accessed and made available for development.
Expanding the capacity of Common Edge Road to reduce traffic waiting times for vehicles in and out of the EZ, as well as those travelling in the local area.
Improvements will be made to the entrance of Division Lane from Common Edge Road, providing access to the new sports facilities.
The highways improvements have been subject to collaborative discussion between the Council’s Highways and Enterprise Zone teams, as well as Lancashire County Council.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Make sure it is sustainable development! Need to have high utilisation, like 80%, all through the year.
Need good ongoing management for it to have long term future. Don't scupper the chances of airport ever coming back?
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think the thought of a solar farm on airport land is a very dangerous idea. Many student pilots fly into Blackpool and this could cause very dangerous glare and shine. Even for experienced pilots this presents a big challenge and will put people off flying into Blackpool. The idea of a virtual Air Traffic Control tower for Blackpool is poor. London City has been successful with this idea due to the Runway, main taxiway and apron all being situated one in front of the other. Blackpool is much more dynamic than this and requires a physical building in order for safe controlling to take place. Having a virtual tower does not give the controller full situational awareness and could be dangerous. Blackpool is one of the busiest GA airfields in the country and I think more needs to be dedicated to that. Commercial operations on a small scale would be preferable such as routes to the Isle of Man, Belfast, Dublin and Amsterdam. Therefore a small passenger terminal may be a more viable option, compared to the larger holiday operations that were previously not sustainable. Of course this still depends on an operator that would be willing to base aircraft here. Additionally, football pitches next to the runway could lead to large amounts of FOD being projected over fences, which could be a hazard to aircraft. The main issue in my opinion is the solar farm proposal. It would be a hazard to any aircraft inbound or outbound, and to any personnel working on the airport itself, such as in the tower or on the airfield.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The solar farm proposal should not go ahead. Most of the other ideas seem to be ok but I think a suitable GA facility would be good and would create large amounts of business. Potentially a small commercial terminal facility that would be ideal for operations to the aforementioned destinations, rather that holiday operations which were previously unsustainable. A push for aircraft maintenance would be good and if the airport has a fire category of 5 or above, this would allow regional jets to land and have their aircraft serviced here.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Somebody has already asked this question, but I'll ask it on behalf of all the residents living at the bottom of Westgate Road. Where are the HELICOPTERS going?? Due to the unbearable noise they make when sat on the ground with their engines going constantly, they need to be as far away from residential areas as possible.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
No helicopters!
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Employment opportunities.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Quality public transport within the site.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Employment opportunities.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Good quality public transport within the site.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I see on the plan that you are going to build larger hangers and parking right next to me and obscuring my view!
I am not happy with this.
When is this work going to be taking place and when is the completion date? If they are as big as those at the side of me,
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
No building obscuring peoples view
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
More jobs are always acceptable and the EZ is a definite welcome addition to Blackpool.
However, the statement that linking Amy Johnson Way to Common Edge Road will alleviate congestion on neighbouring roads seems to be a presumption. There has not been anything published, as far as I am aware, that substantiates that statement.
It would seem that this is going ahead regardless of the lack of road and traffic surveys in the area.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
That the majority of the traffic is sent onto Squires Gate Lane, which is a dual carriageway and leads directly to Progress Way and onto the M55 and vice versa.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The proposal to connect the Enterprise Zone to Common Edge Road is sheer lunacy, and typical of the thinking of an authority that is largely bereft of any ability at both appointed and elected levels.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Clearly the Enterprise Zone does need a second access point - and there is a very logical one that already exists!
The Sycamore Avenue junction with Squires Gate Lane would satisfy perfectly the requirement for a second access point, with a direct connection to a dual carriageway leading directly to the national road network.
The mindless proposal to allow traffic to connect with Common Edge Road will lead to further congestion on a single carriageway that is often congested considerably beyond its capacity. Furthermore, the proposal would substantially increase the traffic on School Road.
One of the primary reasons for the construction of Progress Way twenty six years ago was to reduce traffic on School Road - this ludicrous proposal will further exacerbate the over loading of this road, and reduce the volume of traffic on Progress Way - the road specifically constructed as a link to the motorway network!
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I live on Midgeland Road and am concerned about the amount of traffic that could potentially be using School Road when the EZ is completed. School Road is often gridlocked at peak times weekdays and quite often at the weekends too. Large HGVs use School Road frequently, even though there are restrictions on size of vehicle, these signs are often ignored. Obviously the inevitable increase in noise, pollution and traffic is a major concern.
As a horse owner I used to hack along School Road passed Trebaron Garden Centre then onto Division Lane. However, there is now so much traffic it has become too busy and dangerous for many horse riders to use this route…is there any provision in the new road layout for bridle paths, cyclists, etc as it is very difficult to work out from the plans?
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The concept of investing in the airport is great. However, there are a number of areas which you do not comment on to any great extent:
1) You do not seem to touch on private flying or pilot training. This is a huge part of the airport's role and benefits many people, yet you only seem to focus on purely commercial aspects. I estimate that we collectively spend well over £1M each year on landing fees, fuel and hangar rental. What about us in the future?
2) It seems that you will be removing a very considerable amount of existing hangarage and the replacement hangar space appears to be less than is available now. This will mean that costs could go up and access opportunities go down. What are your detailed plans on this matter? As chairman of a flying group (YP Flying Group) which has been based at Blackpool for around 40 years, I am aware that hangarage costs form a significant part of our fixed operating costs and I am not convinced that your proposals fully address this issue.
3) The use of the airport for recreational flying, (which must constitute over 50% of the annual movements), is not mentioned at all. Why not?
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
1) Ensure that sufficient hangarage is available at an affordable price
2) Retain runway 13/31 if possible. Coastal airfields are susceptible to significant winds and the availability of a second runway is a significant safety feature. Don't lose it without serious thought.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
This entire project can do nothing but good for the area, bringing employment and improved highways to a long neglected area..
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The lack of information about other roads. Being a Squires Gate Lane resident, I have suffered since the 90s (when the road became a dual carriageway), with traffic noise from the incorrect road surface and more recently, helicopters going to and from the rigs. Traffic volume makes our lives unbearable due to fumes and noise. It makes it impossible to have a conversation outside and 'relaxation' in the rear garden is marred by the traffic noise and the air pollution from airborne transport.
Air pollution has caused many residents, including myself to suffer with numerous health problems.
What improvement will be made to Squires Gate Lane itself and how will traffic leaving the M55 be directed to get to St. Anne's-on-Sea?
I would like reassurance that improvements are intended for the surrounding areas rather than just concentrating on the airport land itself.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It's clearly detrimental to the lives of residents to try to continue as a commercial airport.
I love the whole idea, which can only improve employment in the area and benefit residents. But where have the helicopters gone?
This seems very positive apart from the lack of indication regarding helicopter terminals.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
lack of information about other roads. Being a Squires Gate Lane resident, I have suffered since the 90s (when the road became a dual carriageway), with traffic noise from the incorrect road surface and more recently, helicopters going to and from the rigs. Traffic volume makes our lives unbearable due to fumes and noise. It makes it impossible to have a conversation outside and 'relaxation' in the rear garden is marred by the traffic noise and the air pollution from airborne transport.
Air pollution has caused many residents, including myself to suffer with numerous health problems.
What improvement will be made to Squires Gate Lane itself and how will traffic leaving the M55 be directed to get to St. Anne's-on-Sea?
I would like reassurance that improvements are intended for the surrounding areas rather than just concentrating on the airport land itself.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Please see comments below
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Whilst I am grateful for the opportunity to comment on the proposed highway changes, it is difficult to give a meaningful response when the drawing and information provided give little information on exactly what the proposed changes are. I hope that the planned ‘drop in event’ on 1st July at the Cricket Club will go ahead and provide more detail on exactly what is being proposed. It would be disappointing if we have to wait for the Planning Application to be submitted, after repeated promises of consultation with nearby residents.
I have yet to see a justification as to why it is necessary to widen the top of School Road, as shown in your drawing. The new M55 link road and Progress Way have always been promoted by the council as the two main access roads to the Enterprise Zone. By widening School Road, you are encouraging more cars and heavy goods vehicles to use School Road, which already suffers from over use. Your drawing appears to show Jepson Way closed off and it’s not clear if the triangle at the top of School Road is a pedestrian island or a roundabout. Closing Jepson Way would mean the ‘Park and Stride’ car park would no longer be available for parents to park their cars and walk their children to and from St Nicholas School. This was promoted by the council as a way of reducing the number of cars parked on School Road at school drop off / pick up times. By removing this car park, more cars will be parked on School Road at peak times, endangering pedestrians and causing traffic queues.
I hope you will appreciate that residents who live in the area of the proposed highway changes are concerned about the impact of increased noise and air pollution and the ability to be able to enter and exit their homes / roads safely, either on foot or in a vehicle.
As residents living on the School Road junction, it is already difficult entering and exiting our home in a car. We rely on the traffic lights stopping the Common Edge Road traffic in order to safely reverse in and drive out of our driveway. It is impossible to see cars turning left from Common Edge Road onto School Road and cars turn right at speed onto School Road when they see a break in the traffic coming the other way.
It was disappointing to read that whilst work is now commencing on the M55 link road, there are still no firm plans for the road to be built that links the link road to Queensway by crossing the edge of the Rowlands Home development. If this road was built, it would reduce the traffic volumes around Queensway / Common Edge Road / School Road, (as modelled in studies commissioned by Blackpool Council), and negate the need for some of the highway changes you are proposing. The Enterprise Zone is a joint activity between Blackpool and Fylde Councils and highways are the responsibility of Lancashire County Council, so there is no excuse not to work together to get the best solution.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The EZ development could be a betterment for Blackpool council as they will gain the financial incentives from the new development of the businesses and new housing.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Our main concern is Highways.
Accessibility along Common Edge Road and entry/exit to Division Lane (east) We would like to know where any traffic lights or roundabouts are to be placed? as there is no mention on the plans regarding these .At present exiting Division Lane (east) is difficult and we rely on the traffic lights at School Road/Common Edge Road to give us a break of approx.20 seconds from traffic coming from School Road and Blackpool because of the constant flow. We feel a new traffic audit should be conducted as traffic has increased enormously since the last audit in 2018, particularly since the new development at Richmond Point where a 1,000 more homes are planned, and not all are going to use the new M55 link road and continue to use Queensway B5261. Secondly the proposed pedestrian refuge island will cause more problems for residents of Division Lane (east) as we rely at present on traffic from St Annes to stop to allow vehicles to exit the Lane and by the formation of this refuge island the way it is proposed would create a continuous flow into Blackpool unless traffic lights are to be installed somewhere to regulate the constant flow. The refuge island would be better placed nearer the bus stops. Common Edge Road takes more traffic then the M55, and by the introduction of a new exit from the EZ no matter which way you do it will create further problems. The ideal answer would be to create the new link road from Richmond Point (Kilnhouse Lane) to the new proposed roundabout on the new link road,then leave the connection from Cypress Point to the roundabout, and the money saved on that put towards the new stretch of road, this would benefit a lot more of the traffic from St Annes north and Lytham as there would be 2 ways to access the new link road, this is better forward planning for the whole area. Its taken long enough, lets get it right first time with no more excuses.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like them a lot, the sports facilities will be a go to feature of the area and attract a lot of business.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I hope the council will implement a pitch booking system if there isn’t one in place because I would like my club to secure a pitch there for the 2022 season as we gear up to enter the West Lancashire League.
I would very gratefully like to see a facility to secure access for a whole season too, whether in agreement form prior or planned over a season.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I am pleased that you have recognised the historic importance of the airport and that it is now owned by the Council who will want to proceed in a way that will bring an enriched facility to the town.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I am disappointed that there is no specific information on the development of the airport. I would like to see the airport restored for the benefit of residents living within Blackpool and beyond and to attract visitors to this unique seaside resort. We need to understand the Council's aspirations for the site and to be reassured that proposed building does not jeopardise the potential of future flights.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The plans demonstrate a plan to secure the future of the airport
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
It is not clear whether Runway 13/31 remains open (I realise this is currently under consideration). I believe this is important to maximise the number of flying days available to the local flight training organisations
I think it is vital to look at bringing maintenance organisations on site, particularly given the finite length of time left for the Morecambe Bay Gas field. Not only would it attract highly skilled jobs but could also subsidise the passenger activities which most residents are keen to see brought back. I do have concerns about the amount of space allocated for maintenance, particularly outside aircraft parking if airliners such as B737 were involved.
I appreciate that airlines are unlikely to start operating here any time soon given their current financial problems, post-Covid. One problem is the lack of airlines operating smaller aircraft, but I feel that if , for example, an ATR42 operator could be found to run a daily service to the Isle of Man this would be viable and would be a start.
I don't think, as a council-run airport, the aim should necessarily be to make a profit, but to provide employment, travel opportunities to residents and visitors to the town and by building up a successful ancillary airport income, be able to subsidise passenger services.
I am not sure how useful the extra turning circle at the R/w 28 end would be as the majority of aircraft do not need the full runway length. I am old enough to remember Autair Ambassadors using the old Eastern taxiway which ran in front of the Vickers hangars and came out right by the end of R/W 28. That would have been a real boon in the Jet2 days!.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Revamp and modernization is essential and it would be hoped that retention of some historic parts of the original infrastructure would be accounted for
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
If the Tower is to be relocated what will happen to the original building ?
The original control tower is a historic feature of Blackpool Squires Gate Airport and should be provisioned for preservation possibly in the hands of private aviation businesses or as a commercial building.
What is proposed for the Wellington Bomber factory ? Is it possible to retain part of it as a museum regarding Blackpool's role in the War Effort 1939-45 ?
These general plans seem to allow for the retention of a section of existing Hangar buildings to the west airport boundary to include former RAF Hangar 42 which I would hope is the case.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Good access to new commercial and recreational areas is very important
The current road accesses to the current enterprise park and shopping park is inadequate.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
As far as the proposals on this plan are concerned I can't suggest any improvement. In view of potential peak communing periods congestion may be an issue.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The only positives I can see in the proposals are sports fields
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see the retention of original infrastructure of the Airport and services returned that have been lost over the past few years since the loss of the international air operators. At least we need to preserve the heritage of Blackpool Squires Gate Airport with some of the original infrastructure to include the control tower.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I have serious concerns about the Division Lane East junction as it appears that what is being proposed will make dangerous exit even more so.
Also the proposed new access road has the potential to create a traffic nightmare.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Further resident consultation about the new access road and the Division Lane East access to Queensway.
It would be a good idea to make Queensway 30 MPH along its whole length as there are a serious number of accidents occurring at the Division Lane East junction due to speeding and obstructed views of oncoming traffic
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
If it brings in my business via aircraft then it is a good proposal but if its just to leave the land unoccupied then it becomes a white elephant.blackpool needs tha airport we and other countries can rely on to bring extra revenue into the town to put blackpool back on the map as been a town to holiday in ,to bring investments from London and further afield knowing the airport can accept imports as well as passengers.without the delays the larger airports experience.blackpool needs to grow and a good viable airport can help us do that...dont sit on the fence be the new leader..
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see a better frontage on squires gate lane.the business there look outdated and unoccupied..smarten it all up
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Being a General Aviation Pilot who loves the hobby of flying and as my home base is Blackpool Airport I am very pleased to hear of the councils plans to retain and develop the airfield. From a selfish perspective I would hate to see the airfield lost and I know all of my fellow pilots, not just those whose home is Blackpool but also those that fly in from all over the country throughout the year would feel the same. Despite the Covid Pandemics effect on the aviation industry it will recovery and if Blackpool is to fulfil its potential we must have an airport that we can be proud of.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
If I read and understood the plans correctly I am disappointed that the airports second runway (13/31) will be lost. This does limit options for the use of the airfield due to the ever changing wind direction.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Moving the helicopters away from Squires Gate Lane will hopefully reduce the noise nuisance
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The car parking area looks quite small- hope this won’t lead to parking on residential streets.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
As a home owner right next to airport, bring it back to life. Allow flights in and out. Connect airport to train/tram line to help people get into Blackpool or Lytham. The roads into and out of Blackpool with visitors is now crazy and causes huge congestion over weekends. Bringing more flights in reduces some of this congestion. Offer day passes for people flying in and out. Improve terminal facilities, with what infrastructure you have there already. Thank you.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Solar energy good idea but install when feasible
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
As someone who is desperate to find my way into the aviation industry after university, I am grateful for the work going into Blackpool Airport
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I'd like to see it include more involvement with the youth of Blackpool. More opportunities for work experience/ traineeships and apprenticeships. This would have a positive impact on the younger generations, including myself. And it would create more job opportunities for local people, resulting in an overall improvement to the local area and a reduction in unemployment and less crime. A partnership with Blackpool and the Fylde college would work really well, considering the old terminal is now part of their campus
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Keep it as an airport. Put back in place short flights ie London Isle of man Ireland and Channel Islands early to generate passengers and income helping tourism and businesses in Blackpool and enabling some private pilots to earn a living.
Longer flights to say Spain could also be reintroduced.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Solar power to go elsewhere as airport space has already shrunk enough and a proper terminal there
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
All I understand is that large passenger planes used to fly on a regular basis to and from Blackpool. The control tower was in the same place then along with fire fighting facilities. Please don’t spend unnecessary monies with BIG ideas that become unsustainable and may not make monetary sense initially. Smaller steps to open up. Get the terminal built in the ‘new’ enterprise’ building where it can be extended and walked to from the many car parks and hotel already in the area. It worked there before!
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Stop getting multiple pieces of paper with different ideas that then never get acted upon. Speak to Hanger 3, pilots and people who matter like future passengers. They won’t ask for a lot, just to be able to travel at a reasonable cost from their local airport again.
Stop over thinking and just DO……sooner rather than later please
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think to keep the Airport running as a normal everyday Airport would be a great idea. This would make reaching Blackpool even easier and with the amount of money that is being invested into Blackpool and the Surrounding areas as a whole, this would proof to be very worth while.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
To pencil in more planes to fly in and out of here.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Development of the local area, better facilities for the provision of outdoor sports.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Division Lane / EZ Feedback
As a resident of Division Lane, I would like to comment specifically on the Highways proposals for this development. There are two bullet points on the Highways page which concern me in particular:
1. Expanding the capacity of Common Edge Road to reduce traffic waiting times for vehicles in and out of the EZ, as well as those travelling in the local area.
It is already incredibly dangerous with the current traffic levels, never mind more traffic, to enter Common Edge Road from Division Lane as is (I am speaking about Division Lane to the East of Common Edge, turning eith right (North) or left (South). Increasing traffic will only make this worse and this concerns me regarding the safety of my family and neighbours. The changes proposed to Common Edge potentially look to make seeing traffic coming from the North, heading toward St Annes, to be even harder than it is now! The only real attempt to make anything better is a slight change in the junction splay plus a right turn lane for entering Division Lane from Common Edge - this if anything makes leaving Division Lane harder, because now there is no potential for a break in traffic coming from Queensway should you want to turn right towards Blackpool from the Lane!
2. Improvements will be made to the entrance of Division Lane from Common Edge Road, providing access to the new sports facilities.
I fear that this is a cleverly worded statement and here you are talking about Division Lane West, or as is currently the track down to the cricket club. I have no issue with making improvements to this junction but not without, or worse, at the cost of, the junction of the Division Lane ‘East’. Traffic Islands, right turn lanes all make the situation for motorists worse, including and especially for those regularly leaving the Lane pulling trailers with livestock or caravans.
I support the mission of the EZ but I have grave concerns about the safety of my family and neighbours as a result of the proposed Highways changes.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Please just give us back our airport. Whoever sold it to BB needs firing.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Lots of aircraft
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Need to get commercial flights back at Blackpool. Having people visit prior to and post travel would be of great value for the town. We currently have huge plans to develop parts of the town with new hotels, some already built, bars, restaurants and other visitor attractions. My question is Who is coming? Who are the visitors looking for this high end higher priced accommodation. With an international airport Blackpool would again be able to sell itself as a gateway to Europe and the rest of the world. Its the missing piece of the puzzle.
Regards Andy.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
All included above
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think it's great. Development makes jobs. The airport should have commercial flights again.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see expansion and to start doing commercial flights again.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Totally agree
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The airports shows signs of a promising future, for both industry and locals.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Commercial flights, even if only a small number.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The solar farm is a great idea. More sustainable energy is an essential future strategy.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I hope that concern for wildlife, and the local flora and fauna will be at the forefront of any plans for development.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
As a homeowner living right next to the run way, I object to the noise, pollution. It already is a very busy area with limited access, parking. I think it’s a ludicrous waste of money to a social deprived area.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
This will effect so many lives in a negative way. The noise / safety living so close. Pollution.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think it would benefit greatly if it was an internal airport to London,Glasgow.Northern Ireland,the Western Isles,Aberdeen,Cardiff etc as ther is none at the moment.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
More frequent internal flights
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I love that this proposal will bring business and tourism to the area though I feel they could support the local community by supporting and helping with the introduction of a play area to entertain the children of the coastal dunes community.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Aiding the community by helping entertain children with a play area.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Good to see the investment but as you local residents at the coastal Dunnes estate next too the airport and the place that has most of the air traffic over head it would be nice to see a little token gesture and build / sponsor the play ground which was going to be built by persimmon homes but we're being told they are now not building it... It would be a good area for plane spotting etc and for residents kids.... Sponsored by yourselves would help with building bridges with everyone
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Looks good but too have as something for us locals would be great
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like the ideas of new private hangars in a more appropriate position.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Create a more user friendly access route in/out of the airport. Especially for private hangar pickups.
Bring back regular short haul flights without charging too many fees against the provider as it benefits the town, economy and townspeople more to have accessible air travel.
Be sensible with rents/fees the council is known for over pricing and it's never been beneficial to operate in this manner as most locals like to voice over and over falling on deaf ears.
Get rid of the travel Inn, pub and car park. This can be re-developed in a tidier, more modern, space saving manner.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I would have liked to see an airport again that I could fly to Alicante It would make life so much easier for me to visit my family.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A fully functioning Internatilnal airport again
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
return to passenger flights, it provides lots of jobs for local people, better for for elderly ,disabled people everybody loved flying from Blackpool,
the drive to Manchester is a nightmare
its what the people of Lancashire want.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
return to passenger the best thing a council could do
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It’s unclear whether the airport would reopen for commercial flights. I think this is very important and brings people (and their money) into the town.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I like the sola farm idea. I think any new major project should in 2021 and beyond should aim to have as little impact on the environment as possible (especially something as destructive environmentally as air travel!!) so more of this sort of thing I think is good.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Yes please reinstate a more efficient airport. A restructure of existing businesses on the existing area suecould make the whole are more efficient
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
They seem good
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
We do not need more retail space we do need a working airport
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Blackpool should have a working airport
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Blackpool should have an airport
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The highway proposals for a through router east-west are long overdue and should be welcomed by all but I can't see any mention of how sustainable transport will be enhanced - eg cycling, walking, and public transport.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
There should be provision for bicycles to be ridden on a segregated safe lane through the whole of the proposed through road from east to west. This should include the new junction on Common Edge Lane and also the existing (currently dangerous for bicycles) junction on Squires Gate Lane. There should also be suitable provision for the safe and secure parking of bicycles.
Also there should also be facilities for communal electric vehicle charging points as, by the time most of the highway proposals come to fruition, the cessation of petrol/diesel-engined cars will likely have occurred (Government is currently citing 2025 as the deadline for this).
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I believe the proposals for this airport is amazing.
I still firmly believe that Blackpool Airport has a future and would be 100% behind Blackpool Airport should they decide to reopen as a commercial airport again.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I believe that the runway needs to be extended to be able to accomidate bigger aircraft in the future.
I believe that if Blackpool Airport can reach a deal with EasyJet to begin flights to Europe direct from Blackpool it would be a huge success and would help boost the local economy, create more jobs for the local people and bring more business into Blackpool maybe even encouraging potential tourists from Europe.
If Blackpool Airport decides to reopen as a commercial airport, they should definitely try to get EasyJet to start operations as they are a very popular, reputable airline and I believe they would be very popular for people travelling through the airport.
Perhaps Blackpool Airport could pilot an airline from abroad to start flights such as Vueling airlines, Agean, Are Lingus...etc.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Should have been left as an airport
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Lancashire energy turned back into an airport terminal
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
You really need to keep the airport going it’s heritage and convenience for the fylde and wider area. If you could get it up and running again for commercial use it was so widely used I don’t know how it went under. If you could develop the land build a hotel there make a shopping mall bring business and people to the area and keep the money going round and coming back in. The scheme seems to be taking things in the right direction.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Sounds good to me.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing - the council took ownership so that it could control the land development
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The entire town except the council wants commercial flights to resume and the master plan has no provision
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Increase of jobs infrastructure to local area. Relocation of atc tower, new hangars.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Bring back commercial flights maybe not Spain or Portugal but domestic flights maybe to London, Newquay, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Belfast, IOM and Cardiff etc.
Maybe eventually international flights to places like Dublin and Amsterdam.
Encourage companies like Loganair and Aer Lingus to set up a base here.
Properly set up the infrastructure to manage traffic between Blackpool and St Anne’s.
Possibly make Queensway a dual carriageway or flyover.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Disapointing that you are wanting to increase traffic in an already highly congested area. The link road of Queensway to St Annes from Blackpool is horrendous to get through any day. There are two roads in and out of St Annes Queensway and the prom, re-developing Queensway and closing it for a number of months / years?! would be devastating for locals trying to get to and from work and home.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Please wait until the new link road from Cyprus point is in place to the back of whitehills, that would still give residents two options to get to Blackpool.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
See below
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Bring back budget airlines and reopen as an airport to the general public for flights to Spain, Portugal etc
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
See below
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Please do not start work on common edge before you’ve opened radar Road, the traffic on there is horrendous without roadworks
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Entrance of division lane
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I’d like radar Road to be widened snd reopened, helping reduce traffic build up down school road and the vehicles making their way to St Annes
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
What a muddled mess.!
Halfway House junction will be a traffic jam and Amy Johnson Way a rat run!
Blackpool Airport International, who is in cloud cuckoo land? It’s never to be.
Far too much hangar and apron area in a shrinking market.
Airport should be properly scaled down.
GA will not be able to afford new hangars with one assumes much higher rent and rates.
How can the council justify spending £2 million to retain a helicopter operation that requires an unnecessary staffing overhead. Corporate travel does not work from Blackpool.
My business will be neither operable or saleable obvious tactics by interested parties, it’s going to be an interesting time!
What a disgraceful design effort, oh dear!
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would scrap the whole plan by the time this is running the whole Aviation scene will change and third line airfields like Blackpool Airport will be finished. Put yourselves 25 yrs ahead and tell me what you predict? Then 50 years the life of the development, not something properly considered.
The Aviation Party is over at Blackpool following years of bad management it is very difficult for tenants to make even wages.
The best area adjacent to Squires Gate Lane which should have prestigious development is badly designed and just another rat run, not something to draw people into the area and it needs to go all the way along the road, without yet another entrance/exit from Squires Gate Lane
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
A good beginning, but it can be more ambitious.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Add to the development of the airport the following:
1. commercial flights
2. development of partnership with local college (B&FC) who have Aerospace Engineering programmes and other engineering programmes that can be of use for personnel
3. reflect on the noise levels and how to design the vicinity of the airport to minimise the noise levels for everyone living in proximity.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
1. a relocated ATC tower combined with engineering and fire and rescue.
2. new hangars and other facilities clustered together with provision for future expansion.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
1. provision of a virtual ATC should be evaluated and if technically and financially feasible action to implement should not be delayed. This would send out a message that Blackpool EZ is forward thinking and a viable high tech digital option for investors. Also by being relatively early in this advanced airport technology it would become a showcase for other regional airports in the UK, Europe and indeed the rest of the world!
2. along with new hangars and facilities land should be reserved for future modular terminal accommodation (eg Anglesey Airport) should regional commercial flights become an option again. This would be cost effective, flexible and quick to install or remove as appropriate without large capital investment for a vanity project that may never be fully used.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Love the fact that the airport
Is being invested in and that looking for growth of airport and the region.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Create a new terminal capable of supporting commercial flights and commercial airlines. Need to look at maintenance in order to attract other airlines to use the airports services.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I don't know much about the required layout for airports but there doesn't seem to be much consideration for its future development as an airport for international flights. Where's the terminal?
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see more consideration given to the development of the airport itself to allow for international flights once more. Blackpool Airport needs a terminal and a plan to promote it... Or have you totally given up on this idea? Money has been wasted building a college that by all accounts has been unsuccessful... Let's not make the same mistake again
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The "Knowledge Quarter" proposal is dubious and probably means that the Airport will never have a commercial flying role.
The Airport front SHOULD be developed as a TRAVEL HUB, combining Air,road,rail,tram and bus.
There is Already a Knowledge Centre at Bispham, which should be the Technologies centre.
There is NO mention or acknowledgement of the Air Heritage and History, which should be made a priority. Blackpool pioneered Air transport and should be celebrated as this ATTRACTS Visitors.
COVID means that there are greater opportunities for local Air travel and freight, It also will also see an up turn in Staycations, therefore Blackpool needs to maximise this with additional attractions, transport and connectivity.
Current Visitor investment & development can only benefit from a fully functioning and properly managed Airport.
Finally, there needs to a commitment to hosting Air Display teams and aircraft, as there are significant Display around the North West that require a high calibre facility, occupants of the Airport already have a great reputation for this and need to be supported fully.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
See above
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like & strongly approve to the development in this area - however I fear that high quality, attractive businesses will be cautious in relocating to the Enterprise Zone at present due to a couple of polluting & noisy general industrial companies occupying the site. There is one in particular that is a general eyesore with lots of lorries , diggers & other mechanical plant equipment causing too much noise & visible pollution - which I & many other local residents & businesses occupying Amy Johnson Way do not think the site meets the aims of the Enterprise Zone whatsoever, nor does it have any planning permission granted!
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Following viewing, the only change to the scheme I can possibly recommend is the removal of the Fox haulage yard & plant operation as it is far too noisy & causes regular visible dust pollution. It does not fit in with the scheme’s ambitions of attracting high quality businesses.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think the proposals have merit, but could be improved with some amendments. The idea to move hangar and other related facilities to the south side of runway 10/28 makes sense as they can be modernized and purpose built for the new scale, type and character of airport operations. We should strive to continue to attract executive and General Aviation aircraft by keeping costs low and airline operations could follow in time.
Charters to European destinations would be popular and more domestic flights should follow. Development of the previous hangar space etc adjacent to Squires Gate lane would be a good source of capital and/or additional income.
For General Aviation, would it be possible to please retain runway 13/31 with a displaced threshold for runway 13? The current runway length of 998 metres would have to be reduced.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Please see above. Runway 13 should be retained and have a displaced threshold so it starts close to or beyond 10/28. This would help smaller GA aircraft when more northerly or southerly winds occur so operations are not suspended owing to crosswinds in exceeding limits.
Care should also be taken to provide cafe and light meal refreshments in a friendly atmosphere to attract patronage from airport users, including pilots, passengers and service and engineering personnel.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
There is no way a truncated airport like that is going to work.... how on earth do you expect to attract operators.... you need to look at the success that Teeside now is. It seems to me and others that this is a thinly disguised sop before the building developers move in..... and before you discount my comments... I flew with the the then Jersey European Airways for several years out of Blackpool with full payloads on our Bpl Iom Bhd routes
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A total revamp of proposals
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like the majority of the proposals, my only recommendation is below
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Generally I like the look of the proposals put forward, but being a resident in South Shore I think this area of Blackpool would significantly benefit from a second Household Waste Recycling Centre.
This would in turn create jobs, reduce queuing at the Bispham site and make life easier for residents.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Retention of airport facilities on the Fylde coast for both commercial and private aviation use. Development of same and encouragement of more aviation related businesses on site , with potential increase in aircraft and helicopter traffic.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Ability to achieve development of both commercial passenger air transport services , whilst improving facilities for GA /Business Aviation , encouraging new AVIATION related opportunities on site. Ability to expand runway length if required to be maintained. Ability to function as a bona fide diversion airfield for commercial services. Improved car parking for onsite use , cafeteria facility for public with both indoor and outside viewing areas with unrestricted close up not remote location. Further emphasis on retaining part of the aviation heritage / historical elements due to age of site and significance to the local area . Support for Aviation Museum and existing Hangar 42 facility as tourist attraction. Increased investment in airfield capabilities and upkeep. Possible addition of planned new site on regular bus route. Less bleeding off of airport land for football pitches and industrial units .......... Definitely no housing developments.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Not a great deal at the moment, you just keep wasting money on so called ‘master plans’
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
This council never listens to the people who elected them, what ever development occurs it must include provision for expansion of commercial aviation. Press release after press release says that there is no interest in airlines wanting to return, well that’s because so many obstacles have been put in place, you only have to look at Teeside now that is a success story. Shame on the council and planners if this fantastic under developed airport does
Not have a future for the next generation.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The new control tower facilities and using some of the land for a solar farm.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Use the existing extensive car park facilities and the pub location to house the new EZ buildings (instead of the pub as there are loads of pubs around), and thus retain sufficient land on the airport's existing footprint to retain runway 13/31, as this is vital to retain the capability of the airfield as a versatile training venue for general aviation.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The fact that you have kept the airport is a good start.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A new airport terminal built or turn the vastly under used energy college in a terminal building. The people of Blackpool want to see the return of commercial flights once this pandemic is over. We need someone with ambition in charge who will pull out all the stops and get airlines on board.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
New - improved facilities to benefit local sports and the wider community
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The inclusion of a purpose built indoor futsal arena is required.
A 3-4 court facility with spectator viewing to enable the support for this sport at foundation ages... and also to deliver at the open age end to put Blackpool in a position to enter national Leagues.
This facility would attract teams from across the county, as well as nationally and internationally
It needs to be considered if space is available on site.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
A additional access from the St Annes side is a great idea and also would help shoppers getting to Morrisons for example and reduce traffic on Squires Gate Lane also cutting travel times.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Traffic on common edge road and Queensbury is already at maximum capacity and the link road will do little to ease this. Better traffic management is needed with priority to the traffic lights running along the main road, especially at the St annes end of Queensway
Keeping the airport open within option to return some international flights is important however with somuch land sold off for development this is unlikely to ever happen, or at least, now limits it being able to be profitable so will never happen
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Absolutely Nothing.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
First, I would employ a grown up, preferably with a background in Aviation. You know someone who knows the difference between a Hanger and an Aircraft HANGAR for a start. Morons.
This is nothing more than an entirely predictable land grab.
How about building a passenger terminal.
Oh yes please explain where all the development fund money went.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Not a lot
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
2nd runway - 13/31. Plans to build new hangars and locate current residents BEFORE existing ones demolished. This plan seems to ignore GA completely or at best not explicitly. How about some concultation with existing General Aviation uses?
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The redevelopment of the airport is really welcome.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The redevelopment of the airport is really welcome. However, the people of the local area miss commercial flights departing and arriving to the airport.
Commercial flights will also bring people from outside the local area to the town and increase footfall to local businesses.
Companies like Jet2 and EasyJet would be the ones that would be most welcome as they have the better reputation across the budget airlines.
If you look at the other local airports, they are going from strength to strength before restrictions started.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like that in theory the council are planning to keep the airport open . It would be good to hear of their plans on how BAOL are going to encourage further future business to the airport.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Having worked out calculations for my own solar energy system, I do not see where the significant benefits are of Solar farming in our area based on our climate, panel efficiency and battery storage even with a supply to grid option for revenue. I would suggest some further sound investigation into this matter rather than relying on some smart sales advice.
I would also like to see some contingency planning for future expansion of flight operations included in the proposals and an if this then that scenario.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Although I disagree with the enterprise zone eating up more of the airport land I do agree that the airports infrastructure would work better closer to the runway. I like the solar farm and the MTO hangar. I hope you go for a manned control tower rather than a virtual tower. A manned tower creates jobs and cognitive apprenticeships for locals. I really hope you are taking inspiration from Ben over at Tees Valley Airport, they are going from strength to strength and are even on their way back into profit. I checked Ryanair's bookings for a return flight from Tee`s, Liverpool and Manchester to Palma for next Saturday. Tees airport was on a par with Manchester and easily ahead of Liverpool with bumbs on seats. They are naturally making it work with a positive wont give up optimistic attitude and a fantastic management team. Lancashire and Cumbria have way more going for the key areas to justify an international airport over Tees Valley. Population for Lancashire not including Cumbria is, 1,359.099. Population for Tees Valley is 700,00 both approximately. Lancashire and the Lakes could have a huge pull for the tourist to visit Lancashire and Cumbria by air and then onto a tram or coach and then onto their final holiday destination. We already saw last weekend that Blackpool can not cope with any more road traffic coming into Blackpool, the answer is to bring them in by air. Blackpool and the Lakes could offer package holidays including return flights, free public transport, Hotels and entertainment packages. Blackpool Airport could offer day trips to the enchanted isle of man for the tourist, properly advertise in every hotel and display massive glossy banners up and down the prom. Anyway, I'm sure you already have the plans in place, and you are just going through the motions, The council have said numerous times that commercial aircraft will not return. Thankyou for the rare opportunity to have my say and I sincerely hope my thoughts get noticed.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A full blown international airport but with an even bigger General Aviation vibe. the energy college should be an aviation college and he runway should be lengthened to make it future proof. More airport marketing needed.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It seems from the proposals that there is little or even no chance of international commercial flights from the airport as there are no obvious plans to include a new terminal as was promised when the old one was removed. There also appears to be little or no parking for international ,travellers to leave their cars. It seems that the plans are for very small scale “private” aircraft and small commercial flights to operate from the airport. I see this as a very negative approach
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like see provision for a new terminal with baggage handling and car parking to accommodate international travellers if only to the aisle of Man, Ireland, Scotland and European destinations. And to encouragement and attract potential carriers to use the Airport..
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing you need to start attracting airlines to the airport or it'll be consigned to the history books and lost forever, you already made the right decision in buying the airport back now make use of it and stop thinking about lining your pockets the easy way
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Scrap the business units or the end will come for the airport mark my words
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The overall aim and spirit to maintain and develop the airport going forward. I like that you have recognised the main customers through your plans as General Aviation. Also the inclusion of a large MRO maintenance facility which I believe will be very fortuitous moving forward.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
As you have recognised that the airports main customers are likely to be General Aviation customers, I feel more should be done to facilitate this. This includes the fact that you have planned to close runway 13/31 which will have the opposite affect of attracting more visitors. Often as a General Aviation Pilots we have requested the use of this runway due to crosswind, only to be denied. As such utilisation statistics are not wholly accurate. This is a key issue and more should be done to ensure this vital runway facility remains, meaning more customers and more revenue.
I would also commend you to consider a 500m grass runway which will cost a relatively small amount to implement and maintain, but attract a greater number of light aircraft General Aviation aircraft.
Lastly the proposed plans mean a large number of changes for existing businesses (including relocation), I urge you to consult heavily with the effected businesses to achieve the best possible outcome for all parties moving forward.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing, the airport has a mass of heritage and has been wasted the last 10 years or so with flights of airlines being cancelled and the terminal being turned into some waste of space business building, what it needs is to be used as a hub airport for the Isle of man and Ireland, with improved rail services to the area and drugs which are rife in the area being tackled.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Keep the hangers as they are, they are of historic significance, this airport as you say is one of the oldest in the country and needs protection from the likes of big businesses otherwise it'll be turned into a big industrial estate as people will complain about aircraft noise, so scrap your stupid plans for big businesses and start attracting airlines to the airport and make use of it, otherwise its a lost cause and another airport resigned to the history books.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Waste of time.
Knock the energy college down as it’s a white elephant build a terminal and get commercial jets back on board.
Do something the people of Blackpool want for a change you had a 9,000 signed petition handed to you by Scott Benton MP telling you what the people of Blackpool wanted now act on it.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
As above build a new air terminal get the airlines back.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
That the current runway will be improved and updated along with operational and safety facilities. The fear off the airport being further downgraded being somewhat eased.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I'm not sure the educational expansion is quite what the airport needs. I would have thought more business use would be more beneficial with good road access to the M 55 and beyond
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
No! you have plenty of other options for a “Knowledge Quarter”. You don’t need to reduce the size of the airport and knock out another runway. You need to utilise the current assets. The tired buildings do need renewing but not moving closer to the main runway. What you are planning is an irreversible change and not beneficial for the future of the airport. We all want to see the airport make some revenue but through commercial aviation not offices and sports grounds. Blackpool can do better!
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Decent sized maintenance hangers and a terminal that can support regional jets and possible international flights. Money can be made through business aviation which hanger 3 is trying to push for. If you manage to give a good deal to some of the main cheaper carriers you’ll be able to secure some flights and Maintenance also. You are competing with Manchester and Liverpool we get it. But we have so much to offer you need to support the town by giving another lifeline other than the M55 and the Rail line. So much opportunity will disappear if you let this plan go forward. Rethink, look at other airports a similar length and size and see how they get business. I work in Biggin Hill which is a developing but comparable size to Blackpool. We mainly do business jets but that soon may change to your more commonly known carriers soon. I’m Blackpool born and bred, and only want to see the best for the town I came from. Visit the hangars speak to the people and then look further afield. Happy to discuss and put you in contact with some friends from down south to brainstorm. Thank you for your time and asking for our opinions.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I do appreciate and look fwd to the airport being updated and hopefully attract more business, hopefully one day commercial
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Concerned that, at the northeast part of the airport is UK Aviation Svcs who maintain helicopters. These helicopters range in size, ie at the moment upto the S76C++, surely with the turnaround/movement of these helicopters, the Down draft/noise will not be welcomed by the other hangars, or are they being relocated as seen as they appear to be hemmed in ????
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing at all. I think you need to concentrate on getting the airport up and running for commercial flights. Why impose on the the runway.. your basically going to stop any future expansion. Seems absolutely ludacris.
The airports terminals should be rebuilt and airporty things should be around the airport. Simple as that. We dont need anything other than an airport near an airport. The housing developments at either end of the runway also shouldnt have been built.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would as above concentrate on building a new terminal building, access in could be improved. Better parking for travellers. Expansion of general aviation and private offshore contracts. Perh
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I thought that Revoe by the new houses and football club was to be developed as football fields etc.
The town is in desperate need for a park and ride.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would leave it as it is. Other central areas of Blackpool need investment. Lytham Road, Waterloo Road, Bond Street, Station Road and Central Drive
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Blackpool really DOES need this airport,I notice private flights ARE STILL ABLE TO LAND,why NOT just reopen as an airport.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Let’s just have our own airport. Many of us are paying in excess of an extra £100 to take a taxi to Liverpool/Manchester airport alone
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Hopefully good use of the south side of Squires Gate Lane.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The small patch of land on the south side of Squires Gate Lane running between Sycamore Ave and the road running behind Currys.
This area with established trees is used by dozens of local dog walkers everyday and is also the first part of Blackpool many people see when they arrive by road.
Please keep it accessible and if possible add a path that can be used in all seasons with a few dog waste litter bins and maybe a couple benches. There is a lot of wildlife in that relatively small patch of land including many different types of birds. I think this would be a visually attractive part of the southern gateway to the town.
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It is unclear about the exact development of the airport, however if the development saw a return of international flights ,tenerife,spain,ireland ,aamsterdam etc,i would support this development. If it does not ,then similarly i do not
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A viewing towespot for the public
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I object to any expansion of the Airport which leads to more flights and larger aircraft. The estates Coastal Dunes 1 and 2 have only just been built, coastal dunes 2 is still being built.
This would amount to unacceptable increase in noise and air pollution and before any expansion takes place these things need to be addressed.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I would like to get involved with regular bookings of the proposed sports area function room for regular dance lessons/party nights. There is also a fantastic opportunity to recreate a great leisure asset, i.e. the re-opening of the long time missing western half of Division Lane, allbeit on a slightly differing line. I would be pleased to discus the full plan with anyone interested, but generally this could be an extra-wide footpath, possibly double laned and separated by hedging. one side used by horses/cycles and the other by walkers/mobility Trampers. Motorcycle stop gates would be required at both east and west ends. At the west end discussions/safety measures would be required at Squires gate train line at the end of the new housing estate where Pontins used to be.
If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Previous Comments on this proposal
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What do you like about the proposals?
Lot of infrastructureIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Make sure it is sustainable development! Need to have high utilisation, like 80%, all through the year. Need good ongoing management for it to have long term future. Don't scupper the chances of airport ever coming back?4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think the thought of a solar farm on airport land is a very dangerous idea. Many student pilots fly into Blackpool and this could cause very dangerous glare and shine. Even for experienced pilots this presents a big challenge and will put people off flying into Blackpool. The idea of a virtual Air Traffic Control tower for Blackpool is poor. London City has been successful with this idea due to the Runway, main taxiway and apron all being situated one in front of the other. Blackpool is much more dynamic than this and requires a physical building in order for safe controlling to take place. Having a virtual tower does not give the controller full situational awareness and could be dangerous. Blackpool is one of the busiest GA airfields in the country and I think more needs to be dedicated to that. Commercial operations on a small scale would be preferable such as routes to the Isle of Man, Belfast, Dublin and Amsterdam. Therefore a small passenger terminal may be a more viable option, compared to the larger holiday operations that were previously not sustainable. Of course this still depends on an operator that would be willing to base aircraft here. Additionally, football pitches next to the runway could lead to large amounts of FOD being projected over fences, which could be a hazard to aircraft. The main issue in my opinion is the solar farm proposal. It would be a hazard to any aircraft inbound or outbound, and to any personnel working on the airport itself, such as in the tower or on the airfield.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The solar farm proposal should not go ahead. Most of the other ideas seem to be ok but I think a suitable GA facility would be good and would create large amounts of business. Potentially a small commercial terminal facility that would be ideal for operations to the aforementioned destinations, rather that holiday operations which were previously unsustainable. A push for aircraft maintenance would be good and if the airport has a fire category of 5 or above, this would allow regional jets to land and have their aircraft serviced here.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Somebody has already asked this question, but I'll ask it on behalf of all the residents living at the bottom of Westgate Road. Where are the HELICOPTERS going?? Due to the unbearable noise they make when sat on the ground with their engines going constantly, they need to be as far away from residential areas as possible.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
No helicopters!4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Employment opportunities.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Quality public transport within the site.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Employment opportunities.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Good quality public transport within the site.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I see on the plan that you are going to build larger hangers and parking right next to me and obscuring my view! I am not happy with this. When is this work going to be taking place and when is the completion date? If they are as big as those at the side of me,If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
No building obscuring peoples view4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
More jobs are always acceptable and the EZ is a definite welcome addition to Blackpool. However, the statement that linking Amy Johnson Way to Common Edge Road will alleviate congestion on neighbouring roads seems to be a presumption. There has not been anything published, as far as I am aware, that substantiates that statement. It would seem that this is going ahead regardless of the lack of road and traffic surveys in the area.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
That the majority of the traffic is sent onto Squires Gate Lane, which is a dual carriageway and leads directly to Progress Way and onto the M55 and vice versa.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The proposal to connect the Enterprise Zone to Common Edge Road is sheer lunacy, and typical of the thinking of an authority that is largely bereft of any ability at both appointed and elected levels.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Clearly the Enterprise Zone does need a second access point - and there is a very logical one that already exists! The Sycamore Avenue junction with Squires Gate Lane would satisfy perfectly the requirement for a second access point, with a direct connection to a dual carriageway leading directly to the national road network. The mindless proposal to allow traffic to connect with Common Edge Road will lead to further congestion on a single carriageway that is often congested considerably beyond its capacity. Furthermore, the proposal would substantially increase the traffic on School Road. One of the primary reasons for the construction of Progress Way twenty six years ago was to reduce traffic on School Road - this ludicrous proposal will further exacerbate the over loading of this road, and reduce the volume of traffic on Progress Way - the road specifically constructed as a link to the motorway network!4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I live on Midgeland Road and am concerned about the amount of traffic that could potentially be using School Road when the EZ is completed. School Road is often gridlocked at peak times weekdays and quite often at the weekends too. Large HGVs use School Road frequently, even though there are restrictions on size of vehicle, these signs are often ignored. Obviously the inevitable increase in noise, pollution and traffic is a major concern. As a horse owner I used to hack along School Road passed Trebaron Garden Centre then onto Division Lane. However, there is now so much traffic it has become too busy and dangerous for many horse riders to use this route…is there any provision in the new road layout for bridle paths, cyclists, etc as it is very difficult to work out from the plans?If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Highways4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The concept of investing in the airport is great. However, there are a number of areas which you do not comment on to any great extent: 1) You do not seem to touch on private flying or pilot training. This is a huge part of the airport's role and benefits many people, yet you only seem to focus on purely commercial aspects. I estimate that we collectively spend well over £1M each year on landing fees, fuel and hangar rental. What about us in the future? 2) It seems that you will be removing a very considerable amount of existing hangarage and the replacement hangar space appears to be less than is available now. This will mean that costs could go up and access opportunities go down. What are your detailed plans on this matter? As chairman of a flying group (YP Flying Group) which has been based at Blackpool for around 40 years, I am aware that hangarage costs form a significant part of our fixed operating costs and I am not convinced that your proposals fully address this issue. 3) The use of the airport for recreational flying, (which must constitute over 50% of the annual movements), is not mentioned at all. Why not?If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
1) Ensure that sufficient hangarage is available at an affordable price 2) Retain runway 13/31 if possible. Coastal airfields are susceptible to significant winds and the availability of a second runway is a significant safety feature. Don't lose it without serious thought.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
This entire project can do nothing but good for the area, bringing employment and improved highways to a long neglected area..If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The lack of information about other roads. Being a Squires Gate Lane resident, I have suffered since the 90s (when the road became a dual carriageway), with traffic noise from the incorrect road surface and more recently, helicopters going to and from the rigs. Traffic volume makes our lives unbearable due to fumes and noise. It makes it impossible to have a conversation outside and 'relaxation' in the rear garden is marred by the traffic noise and the air pollution from airborne transport. Air pollution has caused many residents, including myself to suffer with numerous health problems. What improvement will be made to Squires Gate Lane itself and how will traffic leaving the M55 be directed to get to St. Anne's-on-Sea? I would like reassurance that improvements are intended for the surrounding areas rather than just concentrating on the airport land itself.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It's clearly detrimental to the lives of residents to try to continue as a commercial airport. I love the whole idea, which can only improve employment in the area and benefit residents. But where have the helicopters gone? This seems very positive apart from the lack of indication regarding helicopter terminals.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
lack of information about other roads. Being a Squires Gate Lane resident, I have suffered since the 90s (when the road became a dual carriageway), with traffic noise from the incorrect road surface and more recently, helicopters going to and from the rigs. Traffic volume makes our lives unbearable due to fumes and noise. It makes it impossible to have a conversation outside and 'relaxation' in the rear garden is marred by the traffic noise and the air pollution from airborne transport. Air pollution has caused many residents, including myself to suffer with numerous health problems. What improvement will be made to Squires Gate Lane itself and how will traffic leaving the M55 be directed to get to St. Anne's-on-Sea? I would like reassurance that improvements are intended for the surrounding areas rather than just concentrating on the airport land itself.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Please see comments belowIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Whilst I am grateful for the opportunity to comment on the proposed highway changes, it is difficult to give a meaningful response when the drawing and information provided give little information on exactly what the proposed changes are. I hope that the planned ‘drop in event’ on 1st July at the Cricket Club will go ahead and provide more detail on exactly what is being proposed. It would be disappointing if we have to wait for the Planning Application to be submitted, after repeated promises of consultation with nearby residents. I have yet to see a justification as to why it is necessary to widen the top of School Road, as shown in your drawing. The new M55 link road and Progress Way have always been promoted by the council as the two main access roads to the Enterprise Zone. By widening School Road, you are encouraging more cars and heavy goods vehicles to use School Road, which already suffers from over use. Your drawing appears to show Jepson Way closed off and it’s not clear if the triangle at the top of School Road is a pedestrian island or a roundabout. Closing Jepson Way would mean the ‘Park and Stride’ car park would no longer be available for parents to park their cars and walk their children to and from St Nicholas School. This was promoted by the council as a way of reducing the number of cars parked on School Road at school drop off / pick up times. By removing this car park, more cars will be parked on School Road at peak times, endangering pedestrians and causing traffic queues. I hope you will appreciate that residents who live in the area of the proposed highway changes are concerned about the impact of increased noise and air pollution and the ability to be able to enter and exit their homes / roads safely, either on foot or in a vehicle. As residents living on the School Road junction, it is already difficult entering and exiting our home in a car. We rely on the traffic lights stopping the Common Edge Road traffic in order to safely reverse in and drive out of our driveway. It is impossible to see cars turning left from Common Edge Road onto School Road and cars turn right at speed onto School Road when they see a break in the traffic coming the other way. It was disappointing to read that whilst work is now commencing on the M55 link road, there are still no firm plans for the road to be built that links the link road to Queensway by crossing the edge of the Rowlands Home development. If this road was built, it would reduce the traffic volumes around Queensway / Common Edge Road / School Road, (as modelled in studies commissioned by Blackpool Council), and negate the need for some of the highway changes you are proposing. The Enterprise Zone is a joint activity between Blackpool and Fylde Councils and highways are the responsibility of Lancashire County Council, so there is no excuse not to work together to get the best solution.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The EZ development could be a betterment for Blackpool council as they will gain the financial incentives from the new development of the businesses and new housing.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Our main concern is Highways. Accessibility along Common Edge Road and entry/exit to Division Lane (east) We would like to know where any traffic lights or roundabouts are to be placed? as there is no mention on the plans regarding these .At present exiting Division Lane (east) is difficult and we rely on the traffic lights at School Road/Common Edge Road to give us a break of approx.20 seconds from traffic coming from School Road and Blackpool because of the constant flow. We feel a new traffic audit should be conducted as traffic has increased enormously since the last audit in 2018, particularly since the new development at Richmond Point where a 1,000 more homes are planned, and not all are going to use the new M55 link road and continue to use Queensway B5261. Secondly the proposed pedestrian refuge island will cause more problems for residents of Division Lane (east) as we rely at present on traffic from St Annes to stop to allow vehicles to exit the Lane and by the formation of this refuge island the way it is proposed would create a continuous flow into Blackpool unless traffic lights are to be installed somewhere to regulate the constant flow. The refuge island would be better placed nearer the bus stops. Common Edge Road takes more traffic then the M55, and by the introduction of a new exit from the EZ no matter which way you do it will create further problems. The ideal answer would be to create the new link road from Richmond Point (Kilnhouse Lane) to the new proposed roundabout on the new link road,then leave the connection from Cypress Point to the roundabout, and the money saved on that put towards the new stretch of road, this would benefit a lot more of the traffic from St Annes north and Lytham as there would be 2 ways to access the new link road, this is better forward planning for the whole area. Its taken long enough, lets get it right first time with no more excuses.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like them a lot, the sports facilities will be a go to feature of the area and attract a lot of business.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I hope the council will implement a pitch booking system if there isn’t one in place because I would like my club to secure a pitch there for the 2022 season as we gear up to enter the West Lancashire League. I would very gratefully like to see a facility to secure access for a whole season too, whether in agreement form prior or planned over a season.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I am pleased that you have recognised the historic importance of the airport and that it is now owned by the Council who will want to proceed in a way that will bring an enriched facility to the town.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I am disappointed that there is no specific information on the development of the airport. I would like to see the airport restored for the benefit of residents living within Blackpool and beyond and to attract visitors to this unique seaside resort. We need to understand the Council's aspirations for the site and to be reassured that proposed building does not jeopardise the potential of future flights.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The plans demonstrate a plan to secure the future of the airportIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
It is not clear whether Runway 13/31 remains open (I realise this is currently under consideration). I believe this is important to maximise the number of flying days available to the local flight training organisations I think it is vital to look at bringing maintenance organisations on site, particularly given the finite length of time left for the Morecambe Bay Gas field. Not only would it attract highly skilled jobs but could also subsidise the passenger activities which most residents are keen to see brought back. I do have concerns about the amount of space allocated for maintenance, particularly outside aircraft parking if airliners such as B737 were involved. I appreciate that airlines are unlikely to start operating here any time soon given their current financial problems, post-Covid. One problem is the lack of airlines operating smaller aircraft, but I feel that if , for example, an ATR42 operator could be found to run a daily service to the Isle of Man this would be viable and would be a start. I don't think, as a council-run airport, the aim should necessarily be to make a profit, but to provide employment, travel opportunities to residents and visitors to the town and by building up a successful ancillary airport income, be able to subsidise passenger services. I am not sure how useful the extra turning circle at the R/w 28 end would be as the majority of aircraft do not need the full runway length. I am old enough to remember Autair Ambassadors using the old Eastern taxiway which ran in front of the Vickers hangars and came out right by the end of R/W 28. That would have been a real boon in the Jet2 days!.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Revamp and modernization is essential and it would be hoped that retention of some historic parts of the original infrastructure would be accounted forIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
If the Tower is to be relocated what will happen to the original building ? The original control tower is a historic feature of Blackpool Squires Gate Airport and should be provisioned for preservation possibly in the hands of private aviation businesses or as a commercial building. What is proposed for the Wellington Bomber factory ? Is it possible to retain part of it as a museum regarding Blackpool's role in the War Effort 1939-45 ? These general plans seem to allow for the retention of a section of existing Hangar buildings to the west airport boundary to include former RAF Hangar 42 which I would hope is the case.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Good access to new commercial and recreational areas is very important The current road accesses to the current enterprise park and shopping park is inadequate.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
As far as the proposals on this plan are concerned I can't suggest any improvement. In view of potential peak communing periods congestion may be an issue.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The only positives I can see in the proposals are sports fieldsIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see the retention of original infrastructure of the Airport and services returned that have been lost over the past few years since the loss of the international air operators. At least we need to preserve the heritage of Blackpool Squires Gate Airport with some of the original infrastructure to include the control tower.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I have serious concerns about the Division Lane East junction as it appears that what is being proposed will make dangerous exit even more so. Also the proposed new access road has the potential to create a traffic nightmare.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Further resident consultation about the new access road and the Division Lane East access to Queensway. It would be a good idea to make Queensway 30 MPH along its whole length as there are a serious number of accidents occurring at the Division Lane East junction due to speeding and obstructed views of oncoming traffic4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
If it brings in my business via aircraft then it is a good proposal but if its just to leave the land unoccupied then it becomes a white elephant.blackpool needs tha airport we and other countries can rely on to bring extra revenue into the town to put blackpool back on the map as been a town to holiday in ,to bring investments from London and further afield knowing the airport can accept imports as well as passengers.without the delays the larger airports experience.blackpool needs to grow and a good viable airport can help us do that...dont sit on the fence be the new leader..If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see a better frontage on squires gate lane.the business there look outdated and unoccupied..smarten it all up4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Being a General Aviation Pilot who loves the hobby of flying and as my home base is Blackpool Airport I am very pleased to hear of the councils plans to retain and develop the airfield. From a selfish perspective I would hate to see the airfield lost and I know all of my fellow pilots, not just those whose home is Blackpool but also those that fly in from all over the country throughout the year would feel the same. Despite the Covid Pandemics effect on the aviation industry it will recovery and if Blackpool is to fulfil its potential we must have an airport that we can be proud of.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
If I read and understood the plans correctly I am disappointed that the airports second runway (13/31) will be lost. This does limit options for the use of the airfield due to the ever changing wind direction.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Moving the helicopters away from Squires Gate Lane will hopefully reduce the noise nuisanceIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The car parking area looks quite small- hope this won’t lead to parking on residential streets.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
As a home owner right next to airport, bring it back to life. Allow flights in and out. Connect airport to train/tram line to help people get into Blackpool or Lytham. The roads into and out of Blackpool with visitors is now crazy and causes huge congestion over weekends. Bringing more flights in reduces some of this congestion. Offer day passes for people flying in and out. Improve terminal facilities, with what infrastructure you have there already. Thank you.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Solar energy good idea but install when feasible4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
As someone who is desperate to find my way into the aviation industry after university, I am grateful for the work going into Blackpool AirportIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I'd like to see it include more involvement with the youth of Blackpool. More opportunities for work experience/ traineeships and apprenticeships. This would have a positive impact on the younger generations, including myself. And it would create more job opportunities for local people, resulting in an overall improvement to the local area and a reduction in unemployment and less crime. A partnership with Blackpool and the Fylde college would work really well, considering the old terminal is now part of their campus4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Keep it as an airport. Put back in place short flights ie London Isle of man Ireland and Channel Islands early to generate passengers and income helping tourism and businesses in Blackpool and enabling some private pilots to earn a living. Longer flights to say Spain could also be reintroduced.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Solar power to go elsewhere as airport space has already shrunk enough and a proper terminal there4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
All I understand is that large passenger planes used to fly on a regular basis to and from Blackpool. The control tower was in the same place then along with fire fighting facilities. Please don’t spend unnecessary monies with BIG ideas that become unsustainable and may not make monetary sense initially. Smaller steps to open up. Get the terminal built in the ‘new’ enterprise’ building where it can be extended and walked to from the many car parks and hotel already in the area. It worked there before!If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Stop getting multiple pieces of paper with different ideas that then never get acted upon. Speak to Hanger 3, pilots and people who matter like future passengers. They won’t ask for a lot, just to be able to travel at a reasonable cost from their local airport again. Stop over thinking and just DO……sooner rather than later please4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think to keep the Airport running as a normal everyday Airport would be a great idea. This would make reaching Blackpool even easier and with the amount of money that is being invested into Blackpool and the Surrounding areas as a whole, this would proof to be very worth while.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
To pencil in more planes to fly in and out of here.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Development of the local area, better facilities for the provision of outdoor sports.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Division Lane / EZ Feedback As a resident of Division Lane, I would like to comment specifically on the Highways proposals for this development. There are two bullet points on the Highways page which concern me in particular: 1. Expanding the capacity of Common Edge Road to reduce traffic waiting times for vehicles in and out of the EZ, as well as those travelling in the local area. It is already incredibly dangerous with the current traffic levels, never mind more traffic, to enter Common Edge Road from Division Lane as is (I am speaking about Division Lane to the East of Common Edge, turning eith right (North) or left (South). Increasing traffic will only make this worse and this concerns me regarding the safety of my family and neighbours. The changes proposed to Common Edge potentially look to make seeing traffic coming from the North, heading toward St Annes, to be even harder than it is now! The only real attempt to make anything better is a slight change in the junction splay plus a right turn lane for entering Division Lane from Common Edge - this if anything makes leaving Division Lane harder, because now there is no potential for a break in traffic coming from Queensway should you want to turn right towards Blackpool from the Lane! 2. Improvements will be made to the entrance of Division Lane from Common Edge Road, providing access to the new sports facilities. I fear that this is a cleverly worded statement and here you are talking about Division Lane West, or as is currently the track down to the cricket club. I have no issue with making improvements to this junction but not without, or worse, at the cost of, the junction of the Division Lane ‘East’. Traffic Islands, right turn lanes all make the situation for motorists worse, including and especially for those regularly leaving the Lane pulling trailers with livestock or caravans. I support the mission of the EZ but I have grave concerns about the safety of my family and neighbours as a result of the proposed Highways changes.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Please just give us back our airport. Whoever sold it to BB needs firing.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Lots of aircraft4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Need to get commercial flights back at Blackpool. Having people visit prior to and post travel would be of great value for the town. We currently have huge plans to develop parts of the town with new hotels, some already built, bars, restaurants and other visitor attractions. My question is Who is coming? Who are the visitors looking for this high end higher priced accommodation. With an international airport Blackpool would again be able to sell itself as a gateway to Europe and the rest of the world. Its the missing piece of the puzzle. Regards Andy.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
All included above4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think it's great. Development makes jobs. The airport should have commercial flights again.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see expansion and to start doing commercial flights again.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Totally agreeIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
None4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The airports shows signs of a promising future, for both industry and locals.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Commercial flights, even if only a small number.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The solar farm is a great idea. More sustainable energy is an essential future strategy.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I hope that concern for wildlife, and the local flora and fauna will be at the forefront of any plans for development.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
As a homeowner living right next to the run way, I object to the noise, pollution. It already is a very busy area with limited access, parking. I think it’s a ludicrous waste of money to a social deprived area.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
This will effect so many lives in a negative way. The noise / safety living so close. Pollution.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think it would benefit greatly if it was an internal airport to London,Glasgow.Northern Ireland,the Western Isles,Aberdeen,Cardiff etc as ther is none at the moment.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
More frequent internal flights4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I love that this proposal will bring business and tourism to the area though I feel they could support the local community by supporting and helping with the introduction of a play area to entertain the children of the coastal dunes community.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Aiding the community by helping entertain children with a play area.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Good to see the investment but as you local residents at the coastal Dunnes estate next too the airport and the place that has most of the air traffic over head it would be nice to see a little token gesture and build / sponsor the play ground which was going to be built by persimmon homes but we're being told they are now not building it... It would be a good area for plane spotting etc and for residents kids.... Sponsored by yourselves would help with building bridges with everyoneIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Looks good but too have as something for us locals would be great4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like the ideas of new private hangars in a more appropriate position.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Create a more user friendly access route in/out of the airport. Especially for private hangar pickups. Bring back regular short haul flights without charging too many fees against the provider as it benefits the town, economy and townspeople more to have accessible air travel. Be sensible with rents/fees the council is known for over pricing and it's never been beneficial to operate in this manner as most locals like to voice over and over falling on deaf ears. Get rid of the travel Inn, pub and car park. This can be re-developed in a tidier, more modern, space saving manner.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I would have liked to see an airport again that I could fly to Alicante It would make life so much easier for me to visit my family.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A fully functioning Internatilnal airport again4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
return to passenger flights, it provides lots of jobs for local people, better for for elderly ,disabled people everybody loved flying from Blackpool, the drive to Manchester is a nightmare its what the people of Lancashire want.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
return to passenger the best thing a council could do4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It’s unclear whether the airport would reopen for commercial flights. I think this is very important and brings people (and their money) into the town.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I like the sola farm idea. I think any new major project should in 2021 and beyond should aim to have as little impact on the environment as possible (especially something as destructive environmentally as air travel!!) so more of this sort of thing I think is good.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Yes please reinstate a more efficient airport. A restructure of existing businesses on the existing area suecould make the whole are more efficientIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
They seem good4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
NothingIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
We do not need more retail space we do need a working airport4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
NothingIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Blackpool should have a working airport4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
NothingIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Blackpool should have an airport4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The highway proposals for a through router east-west are long overdue and should be welcomed by all but I can't see any mention of how sustainable transport will be enhanced - eg cycling, walking, and public transport.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
There should be provision for bicycles to be ridden on a segregated safe lane through the whole of the proposed through road from east to west. This should include the new junction on Common Edge Lane and also the existing (currently dangerous for bicycles) junction on Squires Gate Lane. There should also be suitable provision for the safe and secure parking of bicycles. Also there should also be facilities for communal electric vehicle charging points as, by the time most of the highway proposals come to fruition, the cessation of petrol/diesel-engined cars will likely have occurred (Government is currently citing 2025 as the deadline for this).4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I believe the proposals for this airport is amazing. I still firmly believe that Blackpool Airport has a future and would be 100% behind Blackpool Airport should they decide to reopen as a commercial airport again.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I believe that the runway needs to be extended to be able to accomidate bigger aircraft in the future. I believe that if Blackpool Airport can reach a deal with EasyJet to begin flights to Europe direct from Blackpool it would be a huge success and would help boost the local economy, create more jobs for the local people and bring more business into Blackpool maybe even encouraging potential tourists from Europe. If Blackpool Airport decides to reopen as a commercial airport, they should definitely try to get EasyJet to start operations as they are a very popular, reputable airline and I believe they would be very popular for people travelling through the airport. Perhaps Blackpool Airport could pilot an airline from abroad to start flights such as Vueling airlines, Agean, Are Lingus...etc.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Should have been left as an airportIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Lancashire energy turned back into an airport terminal4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
You really need to keep the airport going it’s heritage and convenience for the fylde and wider area. If you could get it up and running again for commercial use it was so widely used I don’t know how it went under. If you could develop the land build a hotel there make a shopping mall bring business and people to the area and keep the money going round and coming back in. The scheme seems to be taking things in the right direction.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Sounds good to me.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing - the council took ownership so that it could control the land developmentIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The entire town except the council wants commercial flights to resume and the master plan has no provision4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Increase of jobs infrastructure to local area. Relocation of atc tower, new hangars.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Bring back commercial flights maybe not Spain or Portugal but domestic flights maybe to London, Newquay, Aberdeen, Glasgow, Belfast, IOM and Cardiff etc. Maybe eventually international flights to places like Dublin and Amsterdam. Encourage companies like Loganair and Aer Lingus to set up a base here. Properly set up the infrastructure to manage traffic between Blackpool and St Anne’s. Possibly make Queensway a dual carriageway or flyover.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Disapointing that you are wanting to increase traffic in an already highly congested area. The link road of Queensway to St Annes from Blackpool is horrendous to get through any day. There are two roads in and out of St Annes Queensway and the prom, re-developing Queensway and closing it for a number of months / years?! would be devastating for locals trying to get to and from work and home.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Please wait until the new link road from Cyprus point is in place to the back of whitehills, that would still give residents two options to get to Blackpool.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
See belowIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Bring back budget airlines and reopen as an airport to the general public for flights to Spain, Portugal etc4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
See belowIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Please do not start work on common edge before you’ve opened radar Road, the traffic on there is horrendous without roadworks4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Entrance of division laneIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I’d like radar Road to be widened snd reopened, helping reduce traffic build up down school road and the vehicles making their way to St Annes4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
What a muddled mess.! Halfway House junction will be a traffic jam and Amy Johnson Way a rat run! Blackpool Airport International, who is in cloud cuckoo land? It’s never to be. Far too much hangar and apron area in a shrinking market. Airport should be properly scaled down. GA will not be able to afford new hangars with one assumes much higher rent and rates. How can the council justify spending £2 million to retain a helicopter operation that requires an unnecessary staffing overhead. Corporate travel does not work from Blackpool. My business will be neither operable or saleable obvious tactics by interested parties, it’s going to be an interesting time! What a disgraceful design effort, oh dear!If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would scrap the whole plan by the time this is running the whole Aviation scene will change and third line airfields like Blackpool Airport will be finished. Put yourselves 25 yrs ahead and tell me what you predict? Then 50 years the life of the development, not something properly considered. The Aviation Party is over at Blackpool following years of bad management it is very difficult for tenants to make even wages. The best area adjacent to Squires Gate Lane which should have prestigious development is badly designed and just another rat run, not something to draw people into the area and it needs to go all the way along the road, without yet another entrance/exit from Squires Gate Lane4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
A good beginning, but it can be more ambitious.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Add to the development of the airport the following: 1. commercial flights 2. development of partnership with local college (B&FC) who have Aerospace Engineering programmes and other engineering programmes that can be of use for personnel 3. reflect on the noise levels and how to design the vicinity of the airport to minimise the noise levels for everyone living in proximity.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
1. a relocated ATC tower combined with engineering and fire and rescue. 2. new hangars and other facilities clustered together with provision for future expansion.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
1. provision of a virtual ATC should be evaluated and if technically and financially feasible action to implement should not be delayed. This would send out a message that Blackpool EZ is forward thinking and a viable high tech digital option for investors. Also by being relatively early in this advanced airport technology it would become a showcase for other regional airports in the UK, Europe and indeed the rest of the world! 2. along with new hangars and facilities land should be reserved for future modular terminal accommodation (eg Anglesey Airport) should regional commercial flights become an option again. This would be cost effective, flexible and quick to install or remove as appropriate without large capital investment for a vanity project that may never be fully used.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Love the fact that the airport Is being invested in and that looking for growth of airport and the region.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Create a new terminal capable of supporting commercial flights and commercial airlines. Need to look at maintenance in order to attract other airlines to use the airports services.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I don't know much about the required layout for airports but there doesn't seem to be much consideration for its future development as an airport for international flights. Where's the terminal?If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like to see more consideration given to the development of the airport itself to allow for international flights once more. Blackpool Airport needs a terminal and a plan to promote it... Or have you totally given up on this idea? Money has been wasted building a college that by all accounts has been unsuccessful... Let's not make the same mistake again4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The "Knowledge Quarter" proposal is dubious and probably means that the Airport will never have a commercial flying role. The Airport front SHOULD be developed as a TRAVEL HUB, combining Air,road,rail,tram and bus. There is Already a Knowledge Centre at Bispham, which should be the Technologies centre. There is NO mention or acknowledgement of the Air Heritage and History, which should be made a priority. Blackpool pioneered Air transport and should be celebrated as this ATTRACTS Visitors. COVID means that there are greater opportunities for local Air travel and freight, It also will also see an up turn in Staycations, therefore Blackpool needs to maximise this with additional attractions, transport and connectivity. Current Visitor investment & development can only benefit from a fully functioning and properly managed Airport. Finally, there needs to a commitment to hosting Air Display teams and aircraft, as there are significant Display around the North West that require a high calibre facility, occupants of the Airport already have a great reputation for this and need to be supported fully.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
See above4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like & strongly approve to the development in this area - however I fear that high quality, attractive businesses will be cautious in relocating to the Enterprise Zone at present due to a couple of polluting & noisy general industrial companies occupying the site. There is one in particular that is a general eyesore with lots of lorries , diggers & other mechanical plant equipment causing too much noise & visible pollution - which I & many other local residents & businesses occupying Amy Johnson Way do not think the site meets the aims of the Enterprise Zone whatsoever, nor does it have any planning permission granted!If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Following viewing, the only change to the scheme I can possibly recommend is the removal of the Fox haulage yard & plant operation as it is far too noisy & causes regular visible dust pollution. It does not fit in with the scheme’s ambitions of attracting high quality businesses.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I think the proposals have merit, but could be improved with some amendments. The idea to move hangar and other related facilities to the south side of runway 10/28 makes sense as they can be modernized and purpose built for the new scale, type and character of airport operations. We should strive to continue to attract executive and General Aviation aircraft by keeping costs low and airline operations could follow in time. Charters to European destinations would be popular and more domestic flights should follow. Development of the previous hangar space etc adjacent to Squires Gate lane would be a good source of capital and/or additional income. For General Aviation, would it be possible to please retain runway 13/31 with a displaced threshold for runway 13? The current runway length of 998 metres would have to be reduced.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Please see above. Runway 13 should be retained and have a displaced threshold so it starts close to or beyond 10/28. This would help smaller GA aircraft when more northerly or southerly winds occur so operations are not suspended owing to crosswinds in exceeding limits. Care should also be taken to provide cafe and light meal refreshments in a friendly atmosphere to attract patronage from airport users, including pilots, passengers and service and engineering personnel.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
There is no way a truncated airport like that is going to work.... how on earth do you expect to attract operators.... you need to look at the success that Teeside now is. It seems to me and others that this is a thinly disguised sop before the building developers move in..... and before you discount my comments... I flew with the the then Jersey European Airways for several years out of Blackpool with full payloads on our Bpl Iom Bhd routesIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A total revamp of proposals4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like the majority of the proposals, my only recommendation is belowIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Generally I like the look of the proposals put forward, but being a resident in South Shore I think this area of Blackpool would significantly benefit from a second Household Waste Recycling Centre. This would in turn create jobs, reduce queuing at the Bispham site and make life easier for residents.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Retention of airport facilities on the Fylde coast for both commercial and private aviation use. Development of same and encouragement of more aviation related businesses on site , with potential increase in aircraft and helicopter traffic.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Ability to achieve development of both commercial passenger air transport services , whilst improving facilities for GA /Business Aviation , encouraging new AVIATION related opportunities on site. Ability to expand runway length if required to be maintained. Ability to function as a bona fide diversion airfield for commercial services. Improved car parking for onsite use , cafeteria facility for public with both indoor and outside viewing areas with unrestricted close up not remote location. Further emphasis on retaining part of the aviation heritage / historical elements due to age of site and significance to the local area . Support for Aviation Museum and existing Hangar 42 facility as tourist attraction. Increased investment in airfield capabilities and upkeep. Possible addition of planned new site on regular bus route. Less bleeding off of airport land for football pitches and industrial units .......... Definitely no housing developments.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Not a great deal at the moment, you just keep wasting money on so called ‘master plans’If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
This council never listens to the people who elected them, what ever development occurs it must include provision for expansion of commercial aviation. Press release after press release says that there is no interest in airlines wanting to return, well that’s because so many obstacles have been put in place, you only have to look at Teeside now that is a success story. Shame on the council and planners if this fantastic under developed airport does Not have a future for the next generation.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The new control tower facilities and using some of the land for a solar farm.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Use the existing extensive car park facilities and the pub location to house the new EZ buildings (instead of the pub as there are loads of pubs around), and thus retain sufficient land on the airport's existing footprint to retain runway 13/31, as this is vital to retain the capability of the airfield as a versatile training venue for general aviation.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The fact that you have kept the airport is a good start.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A new airport terminal built or turn the vastly under used energy college in a terminal building. The people of Blackpool want to see the return of commercial flights once this pandemic is over. We need someone with ambition in charge who will pull out all the stops and get airlines on board.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
New - improved facilities to benefit local sports and the wider communityIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The inclusion of a purpose built indoor futsal arena is required. A 3-4 court facility with spectator viewing to enable the support for this sport at foundation ages... and also to deliver at the open age end to put Blackpool in a position to enter national Leagues. This facility would attract teams from across the county, as well as nationally and internationally It needs to be considered if space is available on site.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
A additional access from the St Annes side is a great idea and also would help shoppers getting to Morrisons for example and reduce traffic on Squires Gate Lane also cutting travel times.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Traffic on common edge road and Queensbury is already at maximum capacity and the link road will do little to ease this. Better traffic management is needed with priority to the traffic lights running along the main road, especially at the St annes end of Queensway Keeping the airport open within option to return some international flights is important however with somuch land sold off for development this is unlikely to ever happen, or at least, now limits it being able to be profitable so will never happen4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Absolutely Nothing.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
First, I would employ a grown up, preferably with a background in Aviation. You know someone who knows the difference between a Hanger and an Aircraft HANGAR for a start. Morons. This is nothing more than an entirely predictable land grab. How about building a passenger terminal. Oh yes please explain where all the development fund money went.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Not a lotIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
2nd runway - 13/31. Plans to build new hangars and locate current residents BEFORE existing ones demolished. This plan seems to ignore GA completely or at best not explicitly. How about some concultation with existing General Aviation uses?4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The redevelopment of the airport is really welcome.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The redevelopment of the airport is really welcome. However, the people of the local area miss commercial flights departing and arriving to the airport. Commercial flights will also bring people from outside the local area to the town and increase footfall to local businesses. Companies like Jet2 and EasyJet would be the ones that would be most welcome as they have the better reputation across the budget airlines. If you look at the other local airports, they are going from strength to strength before restrictions started.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I like that in theory the council are planning to keep the airport open . It would be good to hear of their plans on how BAOL are going to encourage further future business to the airport.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Having worked out calculations for my own solar energy system, I do not see where the significant benefits are of Solar farming in our area based on our climate, panel efficiency and battery storage even with a supply to grid option for revenue. I would suggest some further sound investigation into this matter rather than relying on some smart sales advice. I would also like to see some contingency planning for future expansion of flight operations included in the proposals and an if this then that scenario.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Although I disagree with the enterprise zone eating up more of the airport land I do agree that the airports infrastructure would work better closer to the runway. I like the solar farm and the MTO hangar. I hope you go for a manned control tower rather than a virtual tower. A manned tower creates jobs and cognitive apprenticeships for locals. I really hope you are taking inspiration from Ben over at Tees Valley Airport, they are going from strength to strength and are even on their way back into profit. I checked Ryanair's bookings for a return flight from Tee`s, Liverpool and Manchester to Palma for next Saturday. Tees airport was on a par with Manchester and easily ahead of Liverpool with bumbs on seats. They are naturally making it work with a positive wont give up optimistic attitude and a fantastic management team. Lancashire and Cumbria have way more going for the key areas to justify an international airport over Tees Valley. Population for Lancashire not including Cumbria is, 1,359.099. Population for Tees Valley is 700,00 both approximately. Lancashire and the Lakes could have a huge pull for the tourist to visit Lancashire and Cumbria by air and then onto a tram or coach and then onto their final holiday destination. We already saw last weekend that Blackpool can not cope with any more road traffic coming into Blackpool, the answer is to bring them in by air. Blackpool and the Lakes could offer package holidays including return flights, free public transport, Hotels and entertainment packages. Blackpool Airport could offer day trips to the enchanted isle of man for the tourist, properly advertise in every hotel and display massive glossy banners up and down the prom. Anyway, I'm sure you already have the plans in place, and you are just going through the motions, The council have said numerous times that commercial aircraft will not return. Thankyou for the rare opportunity to have my say and I sincerely hope my thoughts get noticed.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A full blown international airport but with an even bigger General Aviation vibe. the energy college should be an aviation college and he runway should be lengthened to make it future proof. More airport marketing needed.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It seems from the proposals that there is little or even no chance of international commercial flights from the airport as there are no obvious plans to include a new terminal as was promised when the old one was removed. There also appears to be little or no parking for international ,travellers to leave their cars. It seems that the plans are for very small scale “private” aircraft and small commercial flights to operate from the airport. I see this as a very negative approachIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would like see provision for a new terminal with baggage handling and car parking to accommodate international travellers if only to the aisle of Man, Ireland, Scotland and European destinations. And to encouragement and attract potential carriers to use the Airport..4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing you need to start attracting airlines to the airport or it'll be consigned to the history books and lost forever, you already made the right decision in buying the airport back now make use of it and stop thinking about lining your pockets the easy wayIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Scrap the business units or the end will come for the airport mark my words4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
The overall aim and spirit to maintain and develop the airport going forward. I like that you have recognised the main customers through your plans as General Aviation. Also the inclusion of a large MRO maintenance facility which I believe will be very fortuitous moving forward.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
As you have recognised that the airports main customers are likely to be General Aviation customers, I feel more should be done to facilitate this. This includes the fact that you have planned to close runway 13/31 which will have the opposite affect of attracting more visitors. Often as a General Aviation Pilots we have requested the use of this runway due to crosswind, only to be denied. As such utilisation statistics are not wholly accurate. This is a key issue and more should be done to ensure this vital runway facility remains, meaning more customers and more revenue. I would also commend you to consider a 500m grass runway which will cost a relatively small amount to implement and maintain, but attract a greater number of light aircraft General Aviation aircraft. Lastly the proposed plans mean a large number of changes for existing businesses (including relocation), I urge you to consult heavily with the effected businesses to achieve the best possible outcome for all parties moving forward.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing, the airport has a mass of heritage and has been wasted the last 10 years or so with flights of airlines being cancelled and the terminal being turned into some waste of space business building, what it needs is to be used as a hub airport for the Isle of man and Ireland, with improved rail services to the area and drugs which are rife in the area being tackled.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Keep the hangers as they are, they are of historic significance, this airport as you say is one of the oldest in the country and needs protection from the likes of big businesses otherwise it'll be turned into a big industrial estate as people will complain about aircraft noise, so scrap your stupid plans for big businesses and start attracting airlines to the airport and make use of it, otherwise its a lost cause and another airport resigned to the history books.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Waste of time. Knock the energy college down as it’s a white elephant build a terminal and get commercial jets back on board. Do something the people of Blackpool want for a change you had a 9,000 signed petition handed to you by Scott Benton MP telling you what the people of Blackpool wanted now act on it.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
As above build a new air terminal get the airlines back.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
That the current runway will be improved and updated along with operational and safety facilities. The fear off the airport being further downgraded being somewhat eased.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I'm not sure the educational expansion is quite what the airport needs. I would have thought more business use would be more beneficial with good road access to the M 55 and beyond4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
No! you have plenty of other options for a “Knowledge Quarter”. You don’t need to reduce the size of the airport and knock out another runway. You need to utilise the current assets. The tired buildings do need renewing but not moving closer to the main runway. What you are planning is an irreversible change and not beneficial for the future of the airport. We all want to see the airport make some revenue but through commercial aviation not offices and sports grounds. Blackpool can do better!If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Decent sized maintenance hangers and a terminal that can support regional jets and possible international flights. Money can be made through business aviation which hanger 3 is trying to push for. If you manage to give a good deal to some of the main cheaper carriers you’ll be able to secure some flights and Maintenance also. You are competing with Manchester and Liverpool we get it. But we have so much to offer you need to support the town by giving another lifeline other than the M55 and the Rail line. So much opportunity will disappear if you let this plan go forward. Rethink, look at other airports a similar length and size and see how they get business. I work in Biggin Hill which is a developing but comparable size to Blackpool. We mainly do business jets but that soon may change to your more commonly known carriers soon. I’m Blackpool born and bred, and only want to see the best for the town I came from. Visit the hangars speak to the people and then look further afield. Happy to discuss and put you in contact with some friends from down south to brainstorm. Thank you for your time and asking for our opinions.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I do appreciate and look fwd to the airport being updated and hopefully attract more business, hopefully one day commercialIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Concerned that, at the northeast part of the airport is UK Aviation Svcs who maintain helicopters. These helicopters range in size, ie at the moment upto the S76C++, surely with the turnaround/movement of these helicopters, the Down draft/noise will not be welcomed by the other hangars, or are they being relocated as seen as they appear to be hemmed in ????4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Nothing at all. I think you need to concentrate on getting the airport up and running for commercial flights. Why impose on the the runway.. your basically going to stop any future expansion. Seems absolutely ludacris. The airports terminals should be rebuilt and airporty things should be around the airport. Simple as that. We dont need anything other than an airport near an airport. The housing developments at either end of the runway also shouldnt have been built.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would as above concentrate on building a new terminal building, access in could be improved. Better parking for travellers. Expansion of general aviation and private offshore contracts. Perh4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I thought that Revoe by the new houses and football club was to be developed as football fields etc. The town is in desperate need for a park and ride.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
I would leave it as it is. Other central areas of Blackpool need investment. Lytham Road, Waterloo Road, Bond Street, Station Road and Central Drive4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Blackpool really DOES need this airport,I notice private flights ARE STILL ABLE TO LAND,why NOT just reopen as an airport.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
Let’s just have our own airport. Many of us are paying in excess of an extra £100 to take a taxi to Liverpool/Manchester airport alone4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
Hopefully good use of the south side of Squires Gate Lane.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
The small patch of land on the south side of Squires Gate Lane running between Sycamore Ave and the road running behind Currys. This area with established trees is used by dozens of local dog walkers everyday and is also the first part of Blackpool many people see when they arrive by road. Please keep it accessible and if possible add a path that can be used in all seasons with a few dog waste litter bins and maybe a couple benches. There is a lot of wildlife in that relatively small patch of land including many different types of birds. I think this would be a visually attractive part of the southern gateway to the town. Thanks.4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
It is unclear about the exact development of the airport, however if the development saw a return of international flights ,tenerife,spain,ireland ,aamsterdam etc,i would support this development. If it does not ,then similarly i do notIf you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
A viewing towespot for the public4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I object to any expansion of the Airport which leads to more flights and larger aircraft. The estates Coastal Dunes 1 and 2 have only just been built, coastal dunes 2 is still being built. This would amount to unacceptable increase in noise and air pollution and before any expansion takes place these things need to be addressed.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?
4 years ago
What do you like about the proposals?
I would like to get involved with regular bookings of the proposed sports area function room for regular dance lessons/party nights. There is also a fantastic opportunity to recreate a great leisure asset, i.e. the re-opening of the long time missing western half of Division Lane, allbeit on a slightly differing line. I would be pleased to discus the full plan with anyone interested, but generally this could be an extra-wide footpath, possibly double laned and separated by hedging. one side used by horses/cycles and the other by walkers/mobility Trampers. Motorcycle stop gates would be required at both east and west ends. At the west end discussions/safety measures would be required at Squires gate train line at the end of the new housing estate where Pontins used to be.If you could change any parts of this scheme, what would they be, and what would you like to see in their place?